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How to Fix Screen Burn on Samsung Phone

How to fix screen burn on Samsung phone? This is the frequently asked question we are going to answer in this post from Technology Gadgets Magazine. Stay tuned if this is something that interests you.

The screens of cell phones have become bigger and bigger day by day, and there have been many improvements in terms of image quality and resolution. Maybe until a few years ago, fewer phones used a 6-inch screen, but these days, the use of a 6-inch screen in mobile phones has become quite common. But improving the quality of phone screens does not mean that these parts will never have problems.

One of the common problems that mostly happen to the users of Samsung Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 Plus, Galaxy S9, Galaxy S9 Plus, Galaxy S10, and 10 Plus, Galaxy Note 8, Note 9, and Galaxy Note 10 is the problem of Samsung phone pixel burn! The shadow falling on the phone screen is without a doubt a very annoying phenomenon that can appear in various ways.

What Is Screen Burn & Why Does It Happen?

In AMOLED displays, all pixels lose quality over time. As each light-emitting diode produces light, it degrades and loses its color accuracy, and coherence with other pixels. In fact, pixels don’t all wear out in the same way, that’s why in the long run, some will lose quality more than others and it will reach a point when displaying a certain color, and the damaged pixels will be different from others.

The pixels in the status bar area (the status bar that is usually above the phone screen and below the tablet) and soft buttons like home are the first pixels to wear out. The white color is made by all three sub-pixels blue, red, and green. It might be interesting to know that the blue sub-pixel wears out earlier than the green and the red color is the most durable.

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How to Fix Screen Burn on Samsung Phone

Using LCD Burn-in Wiper

  • download and install the LCD Burn-in Wiper application from Google Play.
  • Activate the Color Rotation option and in the next section determine the duration of the process.
  • Click Start and wait for the time you entered to come to an end.

To fix screen burn on Samsung phones using this app, pay attention to the following points:

  • If this method does not work, repeat it several times.
  • The longer the process, the higher the chance of correcting the burnt pixels.
  • During the execution of the process, set the light of the device to maximum.
  • With continuous use of this app, there is a possibility of being able to fix screen burn on a Samsung phone.

Turn the Phone Off

Screen burn-in on a smartphone can sometimes be resolved by turning off the device for an hour or so. After this time has passed, turn your Samsung phone on and check to see if the problem of screen burn has been resolved or not.

Play a Colorful Video

Try playing a fast-moving video with lots of color changes on your phone for a while and see if this can take care of the problem of the weakened pixels on your Samsung phone screen or not

Replace the Screen

If none of the above worked, your best bet is to either replace the screen yourself or have a professional replace it for you. Manufacturers like Apple have extended the warranty on certain phones that are prone to image retention and screen burn-in, so if your phone is new, chances are you’re still under warranty.

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Summing Up

How to fix screen burn on Samsung phone? In this post from Technology Gadgets Magazine, we learned why the screen of your Samsung phone might have burned and offered a couple of solutions that might be able to help fix it.

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