Why Is My Turbo Charger Charging Slowly?

How to Fix Turbo Charger Charging Slowly

Why is my turbo charger charging slowly? One of the major problems that bothers smartphone users is the slow charging of the phone’s battery. Various reasons may contribute to this problem. In this article by Technology Gadgets, we will discuss 10 common reasons for the slow charging of Android phones. Stay tuned to the end of the post if this is something that interests you.

Why Is My Turbo Charger Charging Slowly?

Here are the most common reasons for the slow charging of your smartphone:

Turbo Charger Charging Slowly

1) Charger Connection Cable Problem

As soon as you notice that your phone’s battery is charging slowly, the first thing you should do is check the USB cable. Generally, the daily use of this cable causes parts of it to break down and get damaged. Many users may use the same cable and charger for their phone for years and not pay much attention to the problem of the cable being damaged and unusable.

In short, it can be said that these cables are among the most vulnerable components of your device, and you should be super wary of their possible damage. 90% of slow charging problems stem from a faulty charging cable.

2) Problems with the Power Source

The power source is one of the factors influencing slow battery charging in spite of using s turbo charger; for example, if you connect your phone to a laptop with a USB cable, it will take longer to charge.

The fastest way to charge phones is direct charging with a charger. Suppose you follow this method and still have a slow charging problem. In that case, there are probably problems with the electrical wiring of your phone, although this possibility should be checked after checking other possibilities.

Turbo Charger Charging Slowly

3) Broken Adapter

Yes, indeed, your adapter may also cause slow charging of your device. Sudden voltage changes may damage the adapter and cause problems with its operation. The adapter is made to protect your device from being damaged in different conditions; misusing it will cause problems for your phone.

4) The Phone’s Battery Is Broken.

It is better to ensure the health of your phone’s battery and whether it is in a good condition or not. You may still be using a bad battery on your phone. You should know that batteries will run into problems over time which is a very typical problem.

5) USB Port Is Blocked

Why is my turbo charger charging slowly? Your device is prone to accumulating lint, dust and other particles entering the USB port when placed in a pocket or bag. When you insert the charger without paying attention to what is inside the port, you cause these particles to become more compact ang go deeper, which may prevent proper communication between the charger and the port.

6) Using Old Phones

New phones come with a fast charging chip that makes the phone fully charged in less than two hours. These phones are so-called fast charging. Some flagship phones have turbo charging capabilities, which are even better than normal fast charging phones.

Note that many older devices do not support fast or turbo charging. If you are using an old phone, you cannot expect your phone to charge quickly. These phones do not have a fast charging chip and need 3 hours to fully charge.

Turbo Charger Charging Slowly

7) Apps Running in the Background

The reason for the slow charging of your phone can be the applications active in the background. The main consumer of the phone’s charge is its screen, but the applications active in the background can also have a great impact on the phone’s battery consumption. Some applications remain open even after closing the phone and feed from the phone’s battery. These apps will also slow down the charging speed of the phone because they are feeding the battery while the phone is charging.

Sometimes some of these applications come with bugs that interfere with system resources. To solve the problem, you must delete these applications from the phone’s task manager. By doing this periodically, you can greatly optimize battery consumption.

8) Wireless Charging Technology

Wireless charging technology is amazing, but it come with a few drawbacks. One of these limitations is the slow charging speed. A wireless charging pad charges your phone relatively slower than a cable. Phone cases may further slow down wireless charging, so remove the case before placing your phone on the wireless pad. If your phone is still charging slowly, try using the cable and see if it makes a difference.

9) Rusty USB Port

Yes, the USB port it may have rusted due to sweat and moisture in the port of your phone. Rust is a pretty big problem because it creates a plaque around the connecting hardware and prevents your device from charging properly, but if you don’t get rid of it, it can damage your device, making it an even bigger problem that it already is.

Turbo Charger Charging Slowly

10) USB Port Damage

When you encounter slow charging and check all the above to no avail, you should suspect the phone’s USB port is damaged. There may be a broken pin inside, causing the port to malfunction. Be sure to send the phone to a dealer or a skilled technician for further inspection and repair.

Winding Up

In this post by Technology Gadgets we provided at answer to this frequently asked question: Why is my turbo charger charging slowly? If you have problems connecting your phone to a turbo charger and your smartphone’s charging speed, this article is definitely for you. The reasons mentioned in this article are among the most common reasons for slowing down the charging speed of the phone.

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