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How to Fix Green Screen on Samsung S8

How to fix green screen on Samsung S8? This is the question we are going to answer in this post from Technology Gadgets Magazine. If this is something that interests you, stay tuned to the end of the article.

Sometimes the screen of your Samsung S8 may suddenly turn green. This problem may happen due to several reasons. In most cases, the issue occurs due to software malfunctions, but in some other cases, it may be caused by hardware problems. In this post, we will examine the cause and 4 ways to fix the green screen on Samsung S8.

Why Does Samsung S8 Screen Turn Green?

This may happen for a variety of reasons. These reasons can be the installation of malicious apps, a problem with the video you are watching, problems with downloading and running heavy apps and games, long-term use of the Internet, etc. If none of these software problems are present, it is probably a hardware issue.

How to Fix Green Screen on Samsung S8?

Hard Reset Your Phone

Restart your phone before doing anything else. If the problem persists, turn off the phone for a few minutes. Then turn it on again. Many problems are solved by following this method.

It is recommended to connect your phone to the computer with a cable. Wait a little until you can see the phone driver. Now check if the phone screen is still green or not. If the problem persists, perform a hard reset. Wait until the phone turns on completely. Then check the problem.

Run Safe Mode

In order to fix green screen on Samsung S8, you can run the phone in Safe mode. Once in Safe mode, check to see if the problem persists or not. If there is no problem, the green color of the screen is probably due to the changes you have recently made on the phone. For example, you installed an app or made a setting change on the screen, etc. that caused this problem. To enable Safe mode on your device:

  • Turn off your device
  • press and hold the Power button until the Samsung Galaxy S8 screen appears then release.
  • Press and hold the Volume Down button
  • Continue to hold the Volume Down button until ‘Safe mode’ appears in the lower-left of the unlock or Home screen then release. This may take up to 45 seconds.
  • Safe mode is now enabled
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Factory Reset & Wipe Cache Partition

Another way to fix green screen on Samsung S8 is to clear the phone’s cache memory. If this method did not solve the problem, proceed to Wipe Cache Partition.  If these two methods do not work, you should factory reset the phone, which will erase all your data. Therefore, be sure to back up your data beforehand.

To wipe cache partition:

  • Power off your device
  • boot your phone into Recovery Mode
  • Press the Volume Down button 5 times
  • Make sure the Wipe Cache Partition option is highlighted
  • Press the Power button to select this option
  • Press the Volume Down button to highlight the Yes option
  • Press the Power button to select Yes
  • Wait for the device to wipe the cache partition
  • Then press the Power button to select Reboot System Now
How to Fix Green Screen on Samsung S8
Another way to fix green screen on Samsung S8 is to clear the phone’s cache memory. If this method did not solve the problem, proceed to Wipe Cache Partition.  If these two methods do not work, you should factory reset the phone, which will erase all your data. Therefore, be sure to back up your data beforehand.

Summing Up

How to fix green screen on Samsung S8? In this post, we talked about the reason why the screen of your Samsung S8 may turn green and talked about a couple of methods you can try to solve the problem. Sometimes the green screen on Samsung S8, means there is a hardware problem. If your phone has been hit, we,t or dropped from a height, the chances of its hardware having been damaged in high. In this case, the screen is pretty much done and needs to be replaced.

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