How to Fix Broken Back Glass on iPhone X

One of the hidden sources of shame in today’s society is without a doubt a broken iPhone screen or glass. Since recent iPhone models feature glass backs, the potential for this particular type of shame multiplies. If you have decided that you are not going to put up with this problem though, here’s Technology Gadgets Magazine’s guide on how to fix broken back glass on iPhone X to help.

The iPhone X has a glass back that is bonded to the internal components of the device. To attach the circuit board and other components to the rear, Apple uses small weld and epoxy glue to attach everything in this back section together. You, you guess it. This makes opening the back glass to replace it very difficult. In fact, you might be surprised to know that replacing the screen on your iPhone X would be easier than replacing and fixing its phone’s back glass!


How to Fix Broken Back Glass on iPhone X

These are your options when the back glass on your iPhone X is broken:

What we suggest you do if you want to keep your phone is to have it fixed by a professional. However, let us explore the other options as well.


Put Your iPhone X in a Case

A case will cover the broken back glass on iPhone X. The advantages are twofold here:

  1. It Hides the broken glass
  2. It prevents things from getting worse by keeping everything together

In fact, you could have probably prevented this from happening if you had put the phone in a case in the first place. Now you have the chance to cover the damaged area and prevent further damage,


Replace the Broken Back Glass Yourself

That leaves us with trying to replace and fix the broken glass yourself. Out of all the options you have, this one is probably the worst. There is a technique to getting in between the seals that have been fused seamlessly by Apple.

Chances are that altering enduring all this hardship, you will only end up damaging the internal bits and pieces or just breaking things even more. A damaged processor chip or circuit board cannot be fixed. So, you will still have to buy a new phone plus having gone through the trouble of damaging your iPhone X even further.

Let’s assume you have miraculously somehow managed to detach everything in the back, after replacing the glass, you are going to need to attach all these parts again with the same level of accuracy and precision that Apple does. What are the chances of this not happing?


Summing Up

This was Technology Gadget Magazine’s guide on how to fix broken back Glass on iPhone X. There is no denying that the glass used in the making of the back side of iPhone X by Apple is as tough as they come, but it is still glass and as such is vulnerable to hard strikes. If you still want to keep the phone, the best option would be to use a case or have the device repaired by a professional and not try to replace the back glass yourself.

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